Baby Brother is quite the flirt. He loves to smile and babble at people, then coyly turn and bury his head in my shoulder, only to look up and grin again. It charms everyone he meets.

After watching him flirt with all the other passengers and flight attendants on a trans-Atlantic flight, I joked that I needed to find him a shirt that says "I flirt." And as soon as I said it out loud, I knew exactly what I needed to do.

We're big Mac fans around here, and I thought iFlirt, a play on the i-everything from Apple would be really cute. I wanted white letters on a black shirt. When I went looking for a shirt to use, I found this black turtleneck a la Steve Jobs, and it was perfect.

I found a font that is very close to the font Apple uses for iPods, iPhones, iPads etc. and traced the letters onto fusible interfacing. I cut them out of the fabric/interfacing and ironed them on to the front of the shirt. It was a quick, simple project, and I love the end result.

A miniature Steve Jobs!